Friday, October 31, 2014

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath-Zac

Apollo challenged the archery skills of Eros. Eros shot two arrows, one tipped in gold which would cause whoever it hit to be filled with a lot of lust. The other was tipped in lead and would cause whoever it hit to hate anything having to do with love or romance. The gold arrow hit Apollo while the lead one struck Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus.  Apollo chased after Daphne but she would have nothing to do with him. Daphne called out to her father for help and he had the power to transform her into a laurel tree. This did not change Apollo’s feelings, however, and he claimed the tree as his own and made a laurel wreath with its leaves, which he wore thereafter. So the laurel tree is a symbol of Apollo.

Eternal youth would be interesting.  On one hand you'd always remain in great physical shape, have great physical appearance and you would be continually learning knew things.  But it would be hard to be taken seriously all the time.  Unless you turn into a well respected person somehow, people will always be second guessing you because you aren't "old and wise".  It'd be neat but I'd rather live a full life.

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