Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Post 6 Ben G

Genesis 6-9
The flood
"Genesis 6-9." Bartelby's. Bartelby's, 1 Jan. 2000. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

These chapters of Genesis tell the story of Noah, his Ark, and The Flood.  God had begun to notice that people were becoming wicked, and "that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually". Therefore, He instructed Noah to build a ship, the Ark, to carry himself, his wife, and his sons' wives, on top of two of every animal-- one male, and one female. This he did, and not a moment too soon, the flood began. The main flood lasted for a really long time-- something around 150 days. The drainage of the flood took even longer-- about 10 months AFTER the main flood ended. Once it was all over, Noah and Co. made an agreement with God, and everything went pretty well for them from then on; Noah managed to live to a staggering 950 years old. 

An animal that fascinates me would be the Bear, black and grizzly (Aka brown bear). I have never seen a bear myself, which is both surprising and fortunate. Surprising  in that over my 500+ miles hiked, I've never had an encounter with one, and fortunate for the same reason. Bears are not cuddly, and will happily steal your food if it can. Still, I do respect them for what they are, and would like to see one under controlled conditions. 

1 comment:

  1. I have never myself hiked, but I would really like to! It's cool that you've hiked over 500 miles. Your analysis of Noah and the Ark was really snarky- I loved it and I thought it was a very fresh perspective. I hope I never see a bear because I think I would be terrified!!
