Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Tower of Babel- Thomas Ueland

Before this section in the Bible, all people in the world spoke the same language. God instructed them to spread out and occupy the vast earth, but instead they remained in a city and decided to build a tower reaching to the heavens, the Tower of Babel. Annoyed at their disobedience, God altered the unifying language so that the people in this city couldn't understand each other, and thus couldn't build this 'stairway to heaven.' After this, everyone obeyed and spread to various lands.

I would like to learn an African dialect, maybe Swahili or French. The difference between American culture and African culture fascinates me, and we got a glimpse of a few of those differences in the Poisonwood Bible. I plan on visiting Africa at some point in college and to be involved with the Grassroots Soccer Program. This company helps to unite and educate underprivileged African children through the beautiful game (soccer). Their main focus is to teach about minimizing the spread of HIV in African communities, and they do this by intertwining educational seminars with soccer clinics. While it is not necessary to be fluent, I would get the most out of this experience if I had a basic understanding of the language and could communicate with the natives.

"What the Tower of Babel Story Teaches Us for Today." About. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014. 


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you wanted to learn African Dialects, good for you!! I think the Grassroots program would be an excellent way to learn about Africa and at the same time play the game you love.
