Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post 6- saba Khandani

In the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, Aphrodite had cursef all of the women on Pygmalion's island. Pygmalion, being an Ancient Greek sculptor, sculpted himself a woman named Galatea. The sculptor was so life-like that Pugmalion began to fall deeply in love. He did all of the gestures that a man deeply in love in ancient Greece would do-- shower her with gifts. He then prayed to Aphrodite to turn Galatea into a real woman, and Aphrodite, who heard his prayers, granted him his wish and turned Galatea into a real woman. Pygmalion and Galatea married soon after.

If I could turn any character into real life, it would be my grandmother. Now I know she's not a typical "character" persay, like Katniss or Garfield, but she passed away before I was born. I've heard so many stories about her that it's almost like she's an old friend--just like characters sometimes-- so to me, she has always been a character, like one you would find in a book. She passed away before a lot of people owned personal cameras/took pictures regularly, so I've only seen her in a couple of photographs. My family always pinpoint ways in which my grandmother and I are alike, so as a child, I always felt it unfair that I didn't get to meet her and spend time with her.

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