Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Post 4: Kelsey Halbert

The story of Odysseus and the Trojan Horse is basically there was a war between Troy and Greece and Odysseus came up with the idea for the Greeks to build a large horse and hide inside of it and give it to the Trojans the horse as a gift. Once the horse was in Troy, the Trojans started celebrating and having a good time, and once the Trojans became drunk, the Greeks came out of the horse and they slaughtered the entire city.

My dream journey is traveling to all 50 states over a span of a few months. There's so much history in the United States  and I find it interesting. I plan on completing this journey the summer before I go to college (this summer). I am truly excited, and I plan on documenting all of the adventures I experience.


  1. I think that this is a cool idea. Doing this in a few months seems like it would be very hectic, but it would be a cool experience nonetheless. Documenting your travels would make for good memories later on in your life.

  2. Your dream journey sounds like something I would like to do as well. Getting in done in a few months could be very taxing and stressful. If I were to do it, I'd take a but longer. Your retelling of the Troy story was short and sweet.

  3. This was a great commentary on the journey taken by Odysseus and how that relates to journeys that you plan to take in the future before you go to college (this summer?) Sounds like a very fun plan

  4. Your summary was short and concise but still got most of the story through. Your dream is very similar to mine, but instead of just traveling through the states, I want to travel the world and learn about different cultures in different countries

  5. I like the sound of your ideal journey, but it sounds really expensive. (Gas prices, mainly) The trip would have to be fast paced, but pretty fun. I, personally, would spend the most time in the southwest, where there is a lack of this annoying thing called humidity.

  6. I have a slightly similar dream Journey to yours except that it's that I want to visit every continent (except maybe Antarctica) sometime during my life to be able to experience what it's like in different parts of the world.
