Thursday, October 16, 2014

Noah and The Flood-Rachel Hart

In this time God saw the world as a wicked place due to the humans that inhabited it. He decided to rid the earth of all living things-animals, humans, plants, etc. However, Noah was a righteous man whom God favored. God told Noah his plan to destroy all the living things of the earth and told him to build a massive ship. This ship was 450 feet long, 75 feet high and 45 feet high, with enough room for a pair of each kind of animal and his family. Noah followed God's orders very carefully and completed the task.  God then sent rain for 40 days and 40 nights. The earth remained flooded for over 150 days after the rain stopped.  After that time, Noah released dove, the dove came back with an olive branch signifying that it was safe to leave the boat. God declared humans the rulers over the animals and promised that flood waters would never again destroy all life on earth.

The animal that fascinates me would have to be a stingray. In reality they really scare me, but from a distance they're actually pretty interesting. A few summers I was given the opportunity by no choice of my own to surf with a sting ray, as in it appeared under my board while I was paddling out. I was interesting to watch how fascinated it was with the wave my board rocked on the waves. While it may have been interesting, it was also terrifying. One animal that has the power to stab you to death with one fatal blow.

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