Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post 6-Marge

So God is mad at all the humans in the world because they are filled with evil, and he decides to drown every living thing on the planet and start over. However, there is one pure soul left in the world, Noah, and God decides to keep him and his family and start fresh with them. God tells Noah and his three sons to build a HUGE arc, and fill it with one female and one male of every living creature on the Earth. They do this, and then once they have all of the animals loaded up (except the unicorns, because they didn't make it in time to get on the boat) God makes it rain for 40 days and 40 nights straight. There's so much water that it covers every valley and every mountain peak. Finally, after 40 days and 40 nights of rain, its stops, and the water levels go down. Eventually Noah sends out a dove, to see if there is dry land for him to land on, and once there is everyone disembarks the arc to go and re-inhabit the Earth. God then promises to never again deluge the Earth in such a way, and also declares mankind in charge over all of the other animals. This takes humans from being vegetarians, which is what they were before the flood, to being allowed to consume meat (in the form of cattle and the like).

An animal that fascinates me would have to be the cat. Now I don't own a cat, so that's half of the reason why they fascinate me, but there are more reasons than just that. Firstly, how can they sleep ALL THE LIVELONG DAY??? They wake up from a solid nights rest, eat, take a nap, then maybe play with some string, and then nap again. It truly baffles me. Secondly, where did all of their nine lives come from? I've seen this phenomenon in action before. One time I hit a cat with my car. I didn't just bump it though, I'm talking actually ran over it, and it just got up and ran away like nothing happened. Cat-1 Margaret-0. I really do wish I had a cat though, maybe then I could solve some of their feline mysteries.

"Genesis 6. The Holy Bible: King James Version." Genesis 6. The Holy Bible: King James Version. Bartleby, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <http://www.bartleby.com/108/01/6.html#S6>.

Also here is a link to an extremely funny video of cats being scared. 

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