Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog #4 Erin Holbrook

The story of Odysseus and the Trojan Horse is one we all seem to know. The story takes place during the Trojan War. After ten years of unsuccessful siege, Odysseus designs a plot to take down the Trojans once and for all. The Trojans had built an impenetrable wall around the city, giving them the advantage. Odysseus devised a plan to trick the Trojans. The Greeks would build a giant wooden horse, and offer it as a gift to the unsuspecting Trojans. Inside the horse would be 30 Greek soldiers. The Trojans accepted the gift and brought the horse within the city walls. They celebrated what they considered to be a marker of their success. While the Trojans slept, the Greeks emerged from the horse and massacred the city.

My dream journey is, as cliche as it sounds, to go into space. I have always been a curious person, and the vast unknown of space fascinates me. The more I learn about the ever-expanding universe that hosts our small planet, the more excited I am to experience it. Looking up at the stars it is hard to imagine how infinite and complex the universe is. It is hard to imagine stars, small and distant, springing into life through swirling gas and dust. I want to be ever closer to the magic of the dark unknown. I want to look at the Earth from a distance and consider how incredibly large and incredibly small the blue marble really is. That is my dream journey: out into the black.

"Trojan Horse." Web. 30 Sept. 2014. <>. 


  1. I don't think space sounds cliché. I find it fascinating too. It would be cool to see what else is out there besides what we already know. I like that your dream journey is different than what most people would think of.

  2. You've got a pretty epic dream journey. I hope there will come a day when commercial space travel is common and affordable, and that you are able to make it out there. Well, I'm fairly certain humanity will make it to that point, but I hope our generation is alive to experience it. That would be so cool!

  3. I happen to also share your dream. I wish we would spend more on space exploration and less on defense. If we spent over half of our federal budget on space exploration instead of defense, getting to the moon or Mars would be realistically attainable in our lifetimes.

  4. That sounds like an awesome dream journey, I hope you can accomplish it one day. Your rephrase of the Trojan Horse story was well executed. Ily.

  5. Good paraphrase/ retelling of the story- very well done! I happen to like your dream journey- if you do that, you're basically required to take me with you.

  6. Your dream journey stood out amongst a lot of people who wish to focus their travels here on Earth. I agree that space is fascinating and mysterious, but I think that traveling out into the unknown would be scary and daunting. At the same time, I think it would be a really interesting and unique experience

  7. I would really like to come with you. The thought of an intergalactic Trojan Horse is simultaneously fascinating and terrifying: the chance of stumbling upon some of the life that is bound to be out there, and the race to develop communication and linked libraries of the entire knowledge bases of two civilizations; at the same time, who knows what they would look like, what dormant infectious agents to which we have no immunity, and so on. Maybe you are right: infinite, dark loneliness and the wonder of the universe sounds pretty okay.
