Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hallie Walther

The story starts off with Pygmalion who is a famous sculpture in Greece and he becomes mad because Venus is turning  the Propoetides into prostitutes. He then decides to sculpt a woman who he slowly starts to fall in love with as he makes her increasingly perfect. He begins to bring the statue which he calls Galatea gifts like glass beads, fine cloth, seashells, and pretty flowers. Pygmalion prayed to the gods to give him a wife as perfect as Galatea, he returns home and when he kisses Galatea she turn into a real person and the two marry.

If I could turn one fictional character into a real person it would be Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series. The reason for this might be that I am watching Harry Potter as I write this post or because Luna has always been my favorite book character. I admire Luna because she does whatever she wants and doesn't care what other people thin about her. As hard as I try, I sometimes let other peoples opinions get in the way of what I want and what is best for me so I admire how Luna has the ability to stand up for herself. Another thing that I admire about Luna is that she continues to stay happy through adversity, no matter what happens she is always looking on the bright side of things and looking out for others. 

1 comment:

  1. YES HALLIE. Yes. I would want Luna Lovegood to become a real person too. Writing blog posts while watching Harry Potter is an excellent was to be inspired. But I do think you description of Luna's character is right on point, and I totally agree with you.
