Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pandora's Box - Alex Warren

There were two brothers, Epimetheus (E) and Prometheus(P), both good people, but one day P had a conflict with Zeus, and Zeus thought fire should be taken from him because he needed fire to live, but the other gods did not agree with Zeus and let him keep fire. So as a different punishment Zeus decided to chain P to a rock. Zeus supposedly felt bad that E could not see his brother so he told Hephaestus to make him a daughter out of clay, Pandora, and bring her to life, and so he did. Then Zeus decided to give Pandora to E as a wife, but E knew there was something fishy about it, but he didn't care because he fell head over heels in love with Pandora. On the day of their wedding Zeus gave them a present, a box, with a note on it saying "DO NOT OPEN" with an attached key. So, of course, after a while of time Pandora's curiosity got to her and she opened the box and all these bad things such as envy, hate, disease, etc. flew out. Then when E returned he heard his wife crying and went to her to see what was wrong. Pandora preceded to open the box and show him there was nothing in there and all the terrible things had left the box, but when she did one little thing flew out, and that was hope, which began to make a difference in the world and combat all the terrible things that Pandora had released before.

So basically the evil that I would like to squelch in the world would be Disease and World Hunger, because diseases like AIDS and Ebola as well as the starvation of many people in the world devastates a large population of the world, but these evil things are hard to end. So one can only have hope.


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