Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Post 2- Saba Khandani

The only topic I enjoy watching people argue over is science versus religion. I, myself, am not Christian and do not know much about Christianity. Some people get offended when I say that, but I mean no offense. To be honest I'm a Muslim who doesn't know anything about her own religion either. I used to have all of the prayers memorized and would pray about once a day- you're supposed to pray five times- with my dad just because I liked to show off my new talents of being able to recite the whole prayer by memory. That being said I no longer have any recollection of the prayer and even admit to picking up a "Muslim 101" pamphlet at the Blue Mosque in Turkey when we visited just two years ago. Dur to this lack of deep religious roots I've always been very interested in the way other people view the beginning of time and their understanding of our roots. To be quite honest I still haven't completely converted to a class of thought but the way those beliefs- which date back thousands of years ago- shape some people's views is amazing. Of course I had a previous understanding of the Garden of Eden but it was very cool to read it completely to find out how the bible truly says it. I enjoyed Poisonwood bible because of how Leah and Adah pointed out the roots of such sacred book to a big percentage of the world. They cited different works in which translation had be altered and therefore changed our understand of the whole story. There is no way to know for sure what books such as the Quran, bible or Torah were meant to say, or whether their sources are valuable because I view them as the game telephone- you don't really know how the stories have been changed just by word of mouth and if I could figure out the truth about our roots and ancient past, I would reach ultimate nirvana and peace with myself.

1 comment:

  1. As someone who has similar views as you, I really liked your blog. I was taken to church as kid a few times but it never really stuck. I think your blog is really swell overall.
