Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Post 2- Genghis Goodman

Genesis- In the beginning there was only God, and then he created the earth, the heavens, and man. The man was named Adam. Next God created all of the creatures of the earth and allowed Adam to name them all. God also created the Garden of Eden, and informed Adam he could do anything he pleased as long as he didn't eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. One day Adam was asleep and God created a woman out of one of Adam's ribs, this woman was Eve. Finally, one day a snake convinced the woman to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, (and she convinced Adam to also eat its fruit) and God cursed the snake to eating dust forever and women to have to bare children.

My origins begin in Lexington, Kentucky. I have lived in Lexington all my life. I have shown an interest of sports from an early age, often playing basketball at the YMCA, football at woodland park, or swimming at the Y. However I never got onto an actual team until I was in 7th grade, and I joined Henry Clay's swim team, from there I found moderate success and, at the end of HC's season, joined a year round club team called Wildcat Aquatics. This is what dominates most of my time outside of school, however I still enjoy other sports and play basketball, tennis, football etc. with my friends as much as possible.


  1. I think your retelling of the story was very strong. I saw some mild grammatical errors in your analysis. I enjoyed learning about your background, and found I had much in common with you.

  2. Your sumarry of Genesis was detailed but very concise. I also enjoyed reading about your origins and how you grew up in Lexington. It was interesting how sports have shaped your life today.
