Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Post 2: Kelsey Halbert

Basically the first three chapters of Genesis depict the creation of the earth. Each day, God chose a different aspect to bring forth upon the world i.e. light, sea, creatures, etc. He did this for six days, then on the seventh day he rested (I'm going to assume this day was Sunday hence why Christians go to church on Sunday). God created man, Adam, and put him in the garden of Eden. There, Adam named all of the creatures. God created a partner for Adam, Eve, from his own rib. They were naked, but they were not ashamed. Adam and Eve could do as they pleased, except for eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. A serpent tricked Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. This angered God, and proclaimed Eve forever devoted to Adam.

I was born and raised here in Lexington, but both my mother and father's families are from Floyd county in eastern Kentucky. Most people have siblings, but I am an only child. I would consider myself somewhat of an introvert when I am not around my close friends. I have a wiener dog named Jethro, and two kittens named Oliver and Jasper. Also, my grandfather opened a machine shop back in 1986, and it it still going strong today being ran by my mother and me (even though I have no idea what the machines are capable of doing).  

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