Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Genesis: Grace Goulson

In the beginning, God said let there be light, and there was. Then he proceeded, over the next six days, to create the world, each day focusing on a different aspect. On the seventh day he rested. He created man and named him Adam, placing him in the garden of Eden. God gave Adam free reign to live however he please, and eat whatever he wanted, but he warned him to not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil . Then God created a companion for Adam out of one of his own ribs, a woman named Eve. One day a snake approached Eve and tricked her into eating the forbidden fruit. God grew angry and declared Eve forever faithful to her husband. Man now possessed the knowledge of good and evil.

My origin story is not as exciting. I am white (boring) and have lived in Lexington nearly all my life (slightly less boring). I am, however, one of four kids, so that's pretty unique. It's also pretty cool that can tell people I was born in New Mexico, which usually prompts them to say something like "You're Mexican?!?" No, not from Mexico. There's a "New" in there. It would be cool to have been born in Mexico-- but New Mexico is pretty cool, too. We've lived on our 17 acres with our dogs, cats, and rabbits for 12 years now, and we're still going strong out here on Goulson's Green Acres.

1 comment:

  1. Graciopoo!!!! First of all I didn't know you were born in New Mexico, are you Mexincan? I like how you incorporated humor into your post and I like you even more. I also liked how you ended the post with "Golsons Green Acres" because I think it's cool and creative.
