Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post 4 Trojan Horse - Jasa Harris

During the Trojan War the city of Troy was impenetrable, its tall wall provided great defense for Trojan warriors and many defeats for the Greeks who had been struggling to enter Troy for about ten years then. The Greek’s failures prompted Odysseus to devise “The Trojan Horse” plan. The idea was to hide thirty men inside a hollow, huge horse and leave the horse outside of Troy. The Greeks then “left” and the people of Troy celebrated and claimed their prize. They brought the horse into their beloved city and displayed it as a symbol of their success. But while they slept comfortably, the thirty Greek men emerged, opened the gates to lead their remaining army in, secured Troy and ended the war.

"Trojan Horse." Legend of the Trojan War
(Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2014. http://greece.mrdonn.org/trojanwar.html

My dream journey isn’t anything too extraordinary. I just want to go to Honduras. Honduran children hold a special place in my heart, so my dream journey would do something to benefit them. Honduras is filled with gangs and crime; it’s a really unsafe place to live. Children are on the streets and don’t have access to several of the basic accommodations that we here in the States take for granted. So I want to give them something that every child everywhere should enjoy. This might be like a bounce house or like an arcade type building. Also, Honduras is beautiful, so I’d get to enjoy that too. 

1 comment:

  1. The story of the Trojan horse has always fascinated me. How could the Trojans blindly accept a giant 30-foot tall horse without thinking it was even slightly suspicious? And how did they magically create a huge horse? You ambitions are admirable; volunteering in Honduras is a noble cause. Just one suggestion: I think they would prefer something more practical than a bouncy house.
