Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post 4-Rachel Hart

The story of Odysseus and the Trojan horse begins with the Trojan War, a war fought between the City of Troy and the rest of Greece.  Troy was surrounded by a large wall to protect itself. The Greeks attempted to gain access into the city for many years but nothing seemed to work, until Odysseus came up with the idea of constructing a large wooden structure in the shape of a horse with a place inside for the Greek army to hide. The soldiers pretended to leave and the horse was taken into the city by the Troy army. That night the Greek soldiers killed the Trojans and set the city ablaze.

My dream journey is to go and compete at Crufts in England. Crufts is an international dog show in which people from countries all over the world go to compete and prove they are the best in their specialty. The journey to get to go to Crufts would take hours upon hours of training as well as attending qualifying competitions. The actual traveling journey would probably be an adventure in itself as my dogs have never flown in the United States, let alone half way around the world. The flight itself is over eleven hours and I can barely stand the two hour flight from Lexington to Atlanta. I hope to make this journey at least once in my lifetime and hopefully before I'm too old to run along side my dog on the agility course.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job, Rachel. Your analysis is thorough and well summarizes the story. Your dream journey is well thought out and original. I sympathize with you about long flights. Good luck getting to Crufts.
