Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Post 2- Origins-Rachel Hart

In the beginning the world was dark, then God said "Let there be light." And light there was. He called this day and the darkness night. He continued to create everything that inhabits the earth over the next seven days. He created Heaven the second day; the land, the sea and plants the third day; the sun , the moon and the stars the fourth day; sea creatures and birds the fifth day; and animals and humans the sixth day. After he created everything, he rested on the seventh day which we know as the Sabbath. God created man in his image from the Earth and placed him, Adam, in the Garden of Eden. God created a partner for man, Eve, from a rib of Adam. The two were allowed to eat from all but one tree in the garden. A serpent tempted the woman to eat from the tree and she did. She tempted Adam to also eat from the tree. The two were removed from the Garden of Eden and the rest of humans were cursed.

My origin story is not quite as dramatic as someone saying let there be Rachel. I am the daughter of Jerry and Judy Hart, the first born. I was followed shortly by my little brother, a sibling, as my mother says I was going to have whether I liked it or not (being an only child, she never truly understood sibling rivalries). I was the first to break a long tradition of J names and the only one my grandmother can't seem to remember when yelling for me. I was born and have remained in Lexington. Though we have no family here, my family has found a place to call our own with friends who have welcomed us into their own families and there I hope to stay. With dreams of traveling the world, I can wait to see what I'll add to my story along the way.

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