Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pandora's Box Jania Stevenson

Pandora's box or Pandora's vase or whatever, I don't really care, is the story of how three people managed to mess up the entire world.

So there were these two brothers named Prometheus and Epimetheus. They were so horrible and annoying that Zeus decided to take away fire from all humans, well all except for one. Apparently the only blacksmith in all of Greece, a man Hephaestos who lived on the Isle of Lemnos, still had fire because he needed it to make weapons and stuff for some unknown reason. Prometheus decided he was going to travel all the way to the Isle of Lemnos to go steal some fire, although I'm not sure how you do that. He got caught ( I'm not sure how he expected a god not to see him stealing) and this made Zeus furious because he thought that none of the freezing, starving people of Greece would ever get the idea to go get fire from the one place in the entire country that had it.

As punishment he made a woman named Pandora to give as a bride to Prometheus' brother. Prometheus specifically told his brother not to accept gifts from gods, but he did it anyway because obviously he was an idiot. I guess it runs in the family. Some of the gods chipped in and made Pandora pretty much the perfect woman, except for the fact that unfortunately, she was also an idiot. As a wedding present Zeus gave the couple a box that said "do not open", basically setting them up for failure.

One day Pandora, being the idiot that she was, Pandora decided she wanted to look inside the box. She was expecting some chocolates, or a sweater or something nice like that, because that's what we all expect from a box that a god made that says "do not open". Boy was she surprised when instead of chocolates, out poured poverty, sickness, and a bunch of other terrible things. Thankfully she quickly closed the box and left in it the one good thing we have in this world: hope.

But if she had closed the box a little earlier, she could have stopped some of the things I hate from coming out, such as: racism, school, war, and bugs (especially the cave cricket.)

1 comment:

  1. Your retelling was very good and entertaining. I liked how you made it a point to try and connect everything by saying that everyone in the tale was an idiot. And I agree with several of the horrible evils that you would like to squelch. Racism and war are terrible things and so are most bugs.
