Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Assignment 2-Eliot Smith

According to some Bartleby guy, before there was The Earth there was this crazy mixture of land, water, and air.  Then for some reason they all separated and Earth was born.  According to the story, some god made fish and birds and animals, but Prometheus, a titan, wanted something better.  So, he took earth and water, mixed them together, and boom: mankind. 

Later he felt sorry for humans because, compared to the other animals, we didn't have any "gifts of courage," like strength, swiftness, or claws.  Because of this, Prometheus went up to heaven with Minerva and took some fire from the sun, then brought it down to Earth to give it to man.

Jupiter, also known as Zeus, got mad and created a woman to punish Prometheus and his brother for taking the fire (so yes, your nagging wife actually is a punishment).  He was also mad at mankind for accepting the gift.

This woman was named Pandora.  Every god got together and contributed something perfect to her.

Pandora was given to Epimetheus (Prometheus' brother), and he accepted her readily.  In his house, he had a jar that contained a myriad of bad things, such as gout, rheumatism, envy, spite, and revenge.  Pandora, fulfilling her role well as a punishment, opened this box out of curiosity, releasing its contents into the world.

So, feminists, next time you whine about rights, remember that womankind caused everything bad in the world.

Evils that I would like to squelch?

Your mom (lol)
Mr. Behler
Alex Reese
AP Literature
Pacific Islanders


  1. Eliot Smith!!!! We are friends so I can yell at you, stop making fun of Alex and stop making fun of feminists! However, I did like your summary of Pandora's Box because it was very clear and easy to read. I do agree that ignorance should be squelched however I really like Alex so please spare him from your squelching.
    P.S. you are a sobe

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your description of Pandora's Box is very thorough, however the evils you would like to squelch don't have a lot of description, which might be needed. I agree on squelching "your mom, spiders, Alex Reece, and spiders " those are pretty self explanatory. However Pacific Islanders and Guamanians are nice people, and not at all like Alex Reece, heres an article on what it means to be Pacific Islander!!!(otherwise known as a Hapa)

  4. I feel like your own paragraph could have been a little bit more lengthy. An explanation of the evils you wish to squish would have been nice. Overall It was a good blog though.
