Tuesday, September 23, 2014

People who died- Jack Humphries

People who died
By Ted Berrigan

of victims from a hostage crisis in Moscow that claimed the lives of 130 people in 2012

In Ted Berrigan’s elegy, People who died, he goes down the list of times he was touched by death. It mostly grieves for the loss of those close to him, especially in the more detailed examples of death. For example “Anne Kepler….my girl….killed by smoke-poisoning while playing the flute at the Yonkers Children’s Hospital during a fire set by a 16 year old arsonist….1965.” is especially heartbreaking. As well little things like “Franny Winston…. Just a girl…...” hint at the immense amount of pain death brings. He never really develops the praise stage of his elegy except in saying “My friends whose deaths have slowed my heart stay with me now.” Which is touching since it signifies their time on earth was important enough to profoundly impact Berrigan long after their passing. This last sentence also serves as the main solace portion of the elegy and is a standard statement that those who have died will live on through those they touched while alive. In the end, the prevailing message left by Ted Berrigan is one of remembrance through a deeply personal elegy. Its lasting words remind us that those who we lost will live on in our memories affecting us from the great beyond.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the poem you chose and your analysis was spot on. You had a good use of direct quotes, and definitely picked the most impactful lines to add to your analysis. Your picture also increased the effectiveness of your blog post. Good job Jack.
