Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Post 2- Hallie

Pandoras Box: In the begging of time, there was a mass called Chaos that consisted of the land and sea. Chaos eventually formed earth, Epimethious created animals along with other things, and Jupiter made men. As legend has it, Pandora had a box full of wedding presents that all the gods had given her. She was instructed not to open the box but she did anyway, and every good blessing besides hope escaped.

In a world full of evil, there is so much I would like to vanish but if I had to pick one thing it would be close-mindedness. So many problems are caused in our world because people believe that their way of doing things is the only way of doing things. You can see this problem in our country, politicians on both sides of the isle are stuck in a partisan gridlock because they refuse to listen to anyones ideas but their own. This problem transcends all nations; take the situation in Iraq and Syria, if ISIS would accept Shiites, or any other religion, this disaster in the that area would not be happening. People need to let go of the notion that their ideas are the only right ones and realize that just because something is tradition doesn't necessarily mean that it is right.

1 comment:

  1. "just because something is tradition doesn't necessarily mean that it is right." Quote of the post right there. I wholeheartedly agree that close-mindedness will be one of the downfalls of society. If no one is willing to compromise, then no progress will ever be made.
