Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Comedy Blog- Cassadi Cordea

One moment I thought was particularly clever was when Algernon responded to Jack telling him that his name was not Ernest: "You look as if your name was Ernest. You are the most earnest-looking person I ever saw in my life." Here, Wilde create's a double entendre with Ernest's name. Another part that I found amusing was where Lady Bracknell describes Lady Harbury's response to her husband's death.  Losing a spouse is not typically an event that would cause a person to look "twenty years younger", so this could be a comment on the true quality of the marriage. I respond to both "low" and "high" comedy, it really just depends, but overall I think I prefer "high" comedy out of the two.


This clip comes from one of my favorite TV shows, "The Office". One element of comedy immediately observed in this show is that the show itself it is a parody of a documentary, a "mockumentary." "Today, smoking is gonna save lives" is an ironic statement made by Dwight at the beginning of the scene right before he starts a trash can fire in the office. This show is filled with satire, sarcasm, and dry humor and that is why I love it. "Parks and Recreation", which has a similar style to "The Office", is another favorite of mine.

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