Monday, March 9, 2015

All in Good Humor

Although there are quite a few things in The Importance of Being Earnest that made me chuckle while I was reading it, one of the things I found the funniest was how Algernon order cucumber sandwiches just for his aunt and wouldn't let Earnest eat any even though he himself was eating them. This later led to another part I found to be humorous as when Lady Bracknell finally does arrive Algernon has eaten all the sandwiches and Lane doesn't miss a beat when she's asked about them and tells Lady Bracknell that there simply weren't any cucumbers at the market. The fact that Lane was so ready with an answer makes me think that that wasn't an uncommon occurrence which, to me, made it even funnier.

Even though I think I'm probably one of those people that is a bit too easily amused and find most things to be funny, a tv show that I've watched (somewhat) recently that I found to be highly humorous was Community. Centered around a bunch of community college students who are all in a way failures a lot of absolutely insane things go down at the college. It's pretty rare that there's a serious episode and since all the characters have some kind of quirk to them watching the show is one of my favorite past times.

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