Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jason and the Golden Fleece: Grace Goulson

Jason's father, Iolcus, the lawful king, was usurped by his brother the evil Pelias. In order to keep him safe from the new tyrant, Jason's mother sent him to be raised by a centaur named Chiron. When Jason grew up to be a young man, he returned to the kingdom to claim the throne back. Pelias told him that he could have the throne if Jason retrieved the famed Golden Fleece. Knowing that this was a nearly impossible task, Pelias was sure that Jason would be unsuccessful, or better yet, killed and he would retain his tyrannical rule. Jason assembled 50 of Greece's strongest and bravest men who became known as the Argonauts. On their journey they were met with much adversity-- too many tales to tell. When they finally reached Colchis, the land of the fleece, the king's daughter, the crazy Medea, fell in love with Jason. Medea helped Jason get the fleece in the hopes of wooing him. Upon finally getting the prized Golden Fleece, Jason and Medea returned to his kingdom and he claimed the throne. Shortly after, he abandoned Medea for another women. Medea goes crazy and kills hers and Jason's children. Jason returns to the wreckage of the Argo and is killed by a falling beam of the ship. The end. ----- If you love stop motion animation and want to learn more about the story, see the cinematic masterpiece that is Jason and the Argonauts (1963).

Stories of love and revenge... They often involve a crazy person, as is the case with this story. And usually the revenge is pretty intense. Often the party taking revenge overreacts. I have no idea what would make some go to the extent that Medea took it other than mental illness or intervention from the gods. But I've noticed that humans have a tendency to be taken over by emotion and blinded by rage and confusion. When one person in a relationship takes revenge on the other, it's usually an indicator that the relationship wasn't too strong in the first place... These are my thoughts. They are limited, but these are my thoughts.

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