Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Echo and Narcissus- Thomas Ueland

In Greek mythology, Echo was a wood nymph who loved Narcissus. He was wanted by many of the nymphs but never seemed to love anyone else back, and enjoyed praise and attention. Echo, known for her talkative nature, accidentally helps an unfaithful husband escape from the goddess Juno. As a result, Echo was punished by having her speech limited; she could only repeat things that were said to her. This did not bode well in her pursuit of Narcissus, and he eventually berates Echo and shoves her to the ground. The grief from this encounter kills Echo, and in the afterlife she becomes one with the mountains and continues to repeat the things that were spoken. As for Narcissus, the gods grow tired of his self-centered nature and decide to make him feel like he had made others feel. They created a reflection in a pond of a beautiful water spirit, something that Narcissus immediately fell in love with but could not communicate with because it was not real. He builds up frustration from this that eventually leads to his death. 

One of the most obvious narcissists out there is Kanye West. He has called himself the 'Michael Jordan of Music' and has stolen the spotlight on more than a few occasions. Who can forget his outburst on Sway in the Morning when he screamed "you ain't got the answers" among other things to seemingly any question posed to him. His narcissistic list is lengthy, but I wouldn't say I abhor him; some of his actions are outright comical.

An altruistic person I admire is my cousin Paige, who has worked in the Peace Corps and been to Africa many times doing missionary work. The extent to which she gives back to others astounds me, and I admire her commitment and selflessness.


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