Sunday, December 7, 2014

Karl Werner Abraham and Isaac

Sarah bore Abraham a son named Isaac. God spoke to Abraham and told him to take Isaac to a mountain and sacrifice him. Abraham took Isaac with him on a journey, obviously not telling Isaac the true purpose. The two soon arrived at the mountain, climbed it, and built an alter. Isaac had no idea what the alter was for. After they finished, Abraham put Isaac on the alter and was about to sacrifice him when an angel appeared. The angel stopped the sacrifice and told Abraham to instead sacrifice a nearby goat. After this, the angel told Abraham his descendants would be as numerous as the stars.
True sacrifice means doing something that hurts yourself for something or someone beyond yourself. True sacrifice is painful, and is done out of whatever emotion is the opposite of self-interest. Making a true sacrifice is done with the notion that you gain nothing out of it personally. It is done to benefit some entity outside of yourself.

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