Friday, December 5, 2014

Hallie Walther- sacrifice

Abraham was told by God to take his only son, who was born to his wife Sarah in her old age, to a mountain and sacrifice him. Abraham too his son, Isaac, with him on a journey, not telling him hid true intentions. Three days later, they arrived at the Mountain. Abraham took Isaac up on the mountain, and together they built an alter. Isaac did not know the intended use of the altar but he helped his dad anyways. When the alter was finished, Abraham was going to kill his son, an Angel of the Lord called out to Abraham that he did not have to kill his own son. Abraham sacrificed a ram that God pointed out to him nearby instead. After this, the Angel told Abraham that his decedents would be as numbers as the stars.

In this story, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his own son for God. People make sacrifices all the time that are sometimes intentional and sometimes they are not. In a family, each family member makes sacrifices to each other to help the family run smoothly. Everyone makes sacrifices everyday, they may be small but they might be as big as giving up your son.

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