Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Jason and the Golden Fleece- Saba Khandani

This fleece was the skin of a golden ram which hung at the far end of the earth, guarded by a dragon. Jason was given the task of winning the fleece, and he seeked the aid of the other Greeks. He was helped by 50 of the celebrated heroes of the past, including Orpheus and Hercules. They were called the Argonauts, because they sailed with Jason in the ship Argo. Once they got there, Jason was aided by the king's daughter, Medea, a mighty sorceress. She charmed and then drugged the dragon, so that she and Jason escaped with the fleece. After they left, they kept following the coast-line, until they encircled the world, which was Europe as the ancients knew it, and finally got back to Greece, having been the first men to see the wonders of the world. After the trip, he deserted her, and she in revenge killed their children. Then, she persuaded him to sleep under the shade of the old, rotting Argo, so that its timbers fell on him, and the ship that had brought him so much glory caused his death.
This love story seems magical at the beginning (and I'm not just saying that because Medea was a sorcerer). Together, Jason and Madea achieve incredible things. However, once he leaves her, she becomes furious. All of the love she had for Jason turned into revenge after he left. Love can make people do crazy things; in this case, kill your children. Some say that she did it because those children were a part of him and she had to get her revenge for abandoning her.

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