Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Jason and the Golden Fleece Zac Byrd

This fleece was the skin of a golden ram that was guarded by a dragon. Jason is Greek and had the task of going and getting this fleece. Jason got help from 50 heros of Greeks past and together they were the Argonauts. The kings daughter Medea helped the Argonauts by drugging the dragon and charmed everybody else.  She and Jason escaped with the fleece and went around the Europe finally arriving at Greece.  Jason deserted her and Medea killed their children.  Argo was the ship they had sailed on to get to the dragon and fleece.  Medea convinced Jason that it would be a good idea for him to sleep under something that protected him for so long, and then part of it fell on him and he died.

This is a very interesting love story.  The relationship is really one sided. Medea has this overwhelming love for Jason and Jason just likes her like a normal person, he isn't obsessed. Medea already has the ability to charm and drug the dragon, Jason it seems does nothing except be the face of the expedition.  Then he decides to leave her because apparetnly he was the overwhelming hero in this.  Medea for whatever reason loved Jason and after he left her, naturally after all she had done for him she hated him.  And she got revenge on him and his family.

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