Monday, December 15, 2014

Jason and the Golden Fleece: Kelsey Halbert

Iolcus, a lawful king, was Jason's father, but Pelias had usurped the throne. Pelias lived fearing that he would lose what he had unjustly taken, so he locked up Iolcus. Pelias thought that Jason was dead, or else he would have killed him. Jason lived because of his mother and was tutored by a centaur and when he was of age, set out to claim his throne. Pelias told Jason he could retain the throne is he got the golden fleece. Pelias figured that Jason would be unable to accomplish this task, but Jason gathered 50 Greek men, known as the argonauts, and they obtained the fleece with the help of Colchis' king's daughter Madea. Madea fancied Jason and after obtaining the fleece they returned to Pelias to take back the throne. Jason ends up leaving Madea for another woman. Maea ends up going crazy and kills her and Jason's children.

To be completely honest, I have a situation that isn't as crazy as this one. I hate to talk about it. Sometimes my boyfriend likes to hang out with people and lie to me about it, and one night after a band competition he took this girl home and I didn't believe that he just dropped her off so I took one of my friends with me and we tried to find this girl's house to see if Matt was there. He wasn't. He was at Waffle House alone. But I still didn't get home until about 1 in the morning. I was very upset and looking back at it, it is quite embarrassing. But I love him, and I was afraid that the feeling wasn't reciprocated and he wanted to be with someone else so I tried to catch him red-handed but that failed. The end.

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